Aside from the wise words of Matthew McConaughey, Spring Renewal is the best time to buy your Season Pass. While it may seem like a long commitment time, by Saying Yaas to the Pass you’re saving the most. If you wait until the snow actually arrives to see “if the winter is going to be good” news flash, THIS IS CANADA. Statistically speaking winter now lasts roughly 5.5 months from November to April. Over the past 5 years we have had 2 November openings and 5 April closings. At minimum we’ve had 102 days of skiing and a maximum of 142 Days. 102 excuses not to get out on the hill must be pretty hard to come up with.
Math Makes Sense
Let’s break down the pass by the numbers.
I am *cough* years old (it’s not polite to ask a lady about her age FYI), which puts me in the Adult category. An Adult 5×7 pass costs $249.
Each year, I try to take a few Fridays off to enjoy the slopes. Let’s air on the side of caution and say I take two Fridays off. Two full price lift tickets cost around $89 each. I am already looking at $178. Add in say, four night visits over the winter. Night lift tickets are around $50, bringing that to a total of $200. You have now spent $378 AND had to pay full price for a new sweater (because it’s colder at night) and chicken fingers (see below), because you don’t have a pass to take advantage of a discount. That is $129 you just flushed down the drain. Your bank account isn’t mad at you, it’s just disappointed that you missed the Spring Pass deadline.

Benefits start November 1st – great for early season prep!
Who likes paying full price for something? Not this girl! When you purchase your Season Pass, there are certain perks that come with it. Getting a hot chocolate at any of the base lodges? Flash the pass! Need a new pair of ski socks? Flash that pass! Did you know that you get 15% off all Blue Mountain owned retail shops, the repair shop and food and beverage outlets including Starbucks? Can you say #Blessed (Except for beer – we know the way our guests après and that would bankrupt even Beyoncé).
As if discounts on retail, repairs and food and beverage were not good enough, we want you to have your après and drink it too with 20% off Midweek lodging. What better way to Treat Yo Self than a mini getaway to break up the mundane 9-5 life.
Paying full price sucks. So we wanted to extend ANOTHER benefit to those who might be new to the Season Pass game, or those who are looking to improve upon their current skill set with a 35% off private lessons Monday to Friday. Freshen up those world cup turns or make next year the one you’re going to go Full Send in the park.
Direct-To-Lift access when the snow flies for the eager beavers
Let’s face it, you buy a pass so you can spend more time on hill. That is exactly what the pass gives you – quick and efficient on-hill access. As lovely as the ladies and gentlemen of Guest Services are, you only want to visit them once, when you werk your best lewk for your season pass photo but then you are free to get first chair for the rest of the season!! Want to start your day in the North? Not a problem, park, suit up and go!
The first rule of early lift access, is we don’t talk about early lift access.

While we can’t broadcast a promised extra early time, a perk of the direct-to-lift access is when the chairs get spinning around 8:30am. You’re free to load up and get those first few runs in before the 9am lift ticket purchases go through. It’s almost like you’re a member of a private club for 15 to 20 minutes each morning.
Pre-committed winter exercise routine.
For many people, winter isn’t the most welcoming season. The days are shorter, you need to layer up to go outside and sometimes the air hurts your face it’s so cold. Wow, now that I’ve really sold you on winter, I will say, there IS one amazing thing about the arctic tundra months – anything you do outdoors qualifies as exercise!

Did you know that skiing and snowboarding burns 275 calories in 30 min? Alpine sports provide a pretty easy and FUN way to stay in shape. You can also strengthen your core (hello 6 pack) and heavily target your lower body, as the natural skiing position is a squat (J Lo eat your heart out). And, you can gain improved flexibility, especially snowboarders who constantly stretch each run when doing up their bindings, not to mention engage in constant directional changing.
Now I can hear you saying “But its -40 out, I REFUSE to go outside!” First of all, I agree 100%. If it resembles North of the Wall from Game of Thrones – I am hibernating inside, even if John Snow and Ghost are out there waiting for me. BUT, the beauty of being a Passholder is that you don’t have to go on those freezing cold days. You can pick and choose the days that work for you. Only like blue bird days? You’re my type of person! This winter we had 9 epic pow days to enjoy, and being a passholder allowed me to get first chair all 9 of those days. Truly some of the best pow days I have ever had were only a few weeks ago. Having a Season Pass puts you in control of when you get outside this winter. In the words of Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod, keep fit and have fun!
Meet Keith – now this is what some would call Neato Burrito. Yes it is a bike pass, but you can do the same with your ski pass 😊

You have to admit, we’ve made some compelling points to justify buying a pass. Now that you’ve got the info, make this YOUR year to purchase, get on the slopes and have an amazing winter! Now go buy your pass, what are you waiting for?