Kosten might not even be a teen yet, but is a seasoned expert in all things slopeside. He was on a snowboard before his first birthday and if it wasn’t for a thing called school, you’d see him at Blue morning noon and night. When he is not on his board, he is recruiting ski racers one by one to join the world of freestyle, like his friend Ryder – who now ditches his Jozo Weider race jacket on Friday Night Rail Jams. Spend one chairlift ride with Kosten, and you’ll venture into the park before you can say Switch Backside Pretzel 270.
Kosten Hebb, Age 10, Shredding Blue since 12 months old.
Tell us about your best day on hill?
My best days on the hill are Contest Days !!
Who do you call on a blue bird/pow day?
My friend Ryder
What is your recipe for a great day on hill?
Fresh Pow with a side of Blue Bird
What is your snowboard routine?
Wake Up . Breakfast of Champions . Get gear on and head to Blue. Shred all day . Eat Chicken Fingers upstairs of South Base Lodge with the Boys.
Tell me about how you got started on hill?
My Mom bought me a Burton Snowboard when I was 1. She took me to Blue Mountain and I rode the Magic Carpet for days. I could shred the whole Mountain by the time I was 3 1/2 . I started competing when I was 5. Snowboarding is so much fun.
Finish the sentence: Everyday is a good day when … Im shreddin Blue !!!