Our Community

Look for Helpers

Look for the helpers…” sage advice from beloved kids show host Fred Rogers. In times like this, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by the news that scares us but there are always people who find ways to help. That was the case with Gilles Haché, a B&B operator located less than an hour from Blue in Eugenia, Ontario. Our VP Hospitality heard Gilles being interviewed on CBC how he has converted his efforts to help feed those in the community and asked if Blue Mountain can help. With a carload full of flour, rice, pasta, dairy items, take out containers and more, James donated some of the leftover perishables from our Blue Mountain kitchens to support Gilles as he helps where he can.

To find out more about Gilles and what he is doing for his community, you can read more here

If you know someone in the community that is helping others, please share with us at socialmedia@bluemountain.ca

Resident Gryffindor of the Marketing Team, combines her passion for the outdoors with her love of rule following to help you get the most of your Blue Mountain experience