Après at Home

All hail the Mighty Caesar

Being Canadian comes with a unofficial set of rules. And while we won’t give them all away, her are a few.
1. Maple Syrup makes EVERYTHING taste better
2. You will apologize to inanimate objects more than once in a lifetime
3. Caesars can cure almost anything

In honour of National Caesar Day we are sharing the King of Après – Jozo’s Original Caesar recipe.

Step 1: Pick your poision

While the classic Caesar calls for Vodka, we like to get a little crazy during après so we offer a choice of either Collingwood Whiskey or Heretic Vodka

Step 2: Form an assembly line

Take a 12 oz glass, (go big or go home). Use lime wedge to coat glass lip edge. Now rim glass with Matt’s and Steve’s Rimmer (available at most grocery stores). Optional at home rimmers include: Celery Salt, or Montreal Steak Spice.

Fill glass with ice. Add 1.5 ounce of Heretic Vodka or Collingwood Whiskey over ice.

Step 3: Flavour Flav

Add 3 dashes of tabasco, 3 dashes of Worcestershire, Dash of pepper, Dash of salt, ½ teaspoon of horseradish. Fill the remaining 8.5 ounces of your glass with Clamato juice

Step 4: Accessorize

Garnish with: 3x blue cheese stuffed olives and 1x pearl onion on prism pick, 2 x Matt and Steve’s Extreme beans, 1 stalk of celery, lime wedge.

Step 5: Down the hatchet

Cheers your friends, pets or mirror and drink

Resident Gryffindor of the Marketing Team, combines her passion for the outdoors with her love of rule following to help you get the most of your Blue Mountain experience